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Maryhill Men's Shed

Currently under construction!

Please register your interest and follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with the latest developments.

At Maryhill Men's Shed, we aim to be more than just a workshop – we strive to be a community of individuals coming together to share skills, stories, and camaraderie. Our shed, nestled in the heart of Maryhill, is a place where men of all ages can gather to engage in meaningful activities, develop new friendships, and contribute to their own well-being and the betterment of the community.

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About the Men's Shed

A Men's Shed is a communal space where men of all ages come together to engage in practical activities, share skills, and build social connections. Often established in local communities, Men's Sheds provide a supportive environment where members can work on individual or collaborative projects, learn new skills, and enjoy companionship. These spaces promote physical and mental well-being by fostering a sense of purpose, comradeship, and personal growth, while also contributing to the local community through various projects and initiatives. Men's Sheds play a vital role in combating social isolation, promoting positive mental health, and nurturing a sense of belonging among participants.

Follow Us

We are currently active on Facebook! Please give us a follow to keep up to date on the latest Men's shed news.


Contact us for more info and to get involved!


Our Sponsors

We're in the process of setting up the Maryhill Men's Shed, and your support can help us greatly in creating a vibrant and thriving space.
Donations, tool contributions, and collaboration opportunities are all invaluable in making our vision a reality.
Thank you!

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